Wednesday, April 06, 2005

"There is nothing so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task."

Well, it's over. I can finally stop worrying about the reading (which, of course, wasn't nearly as big a deal as my worry made it out to be).

It actually went pretty well, I think. I read too quickly and I was beyond nervous, but there was a pretty big crowd (they had to bring out more chairs, even!) and the things I read seemed to be fairly well received. Sandra and Christie came, which I think is great of them... I know I said I didn't want anyone there, but once the time was finally upon me, I realized that I really did want people there... and now I wish I hadn't been so stupid about it and invited more of my friends.

I learned three things:

1) In times of great nervousness, long nails will never last. I now have ten stubby, bitten-to-the-bone fingernails to show of my experience.

2) I really dislike poetry readings.

3) I don't feel like myself when I'm at a formal function. When I'm out of my fashion element (jeans and sweatshirts, mostly), I feel fake. It feels like everyone knows how uncomfortable I am. I would have done a lot better yesterday if I could have worn what I wanted instead of having to be a girl and look nice. Bah.

In conclusion, I woke up this morning with the song "Muskrat Love" by Captain and Tennille in my head.



Anonymous said...

I'm glad the reading went well. I wish I could have been there to listen to your stuff! (even if you didn't want an audience) :)

becky said...

To that, I say:

Anytime I need to see your face
I just close my eyes
And I am taken to a place where
Your crystal mind and
Magenta feelings take up shelter
In the base of my spine
Sweet like a chic a cherry cola

I don’t need to try and explain
I just hold on tight
And if it happens again I might move
So slightly
To the arms and the lips and the face
Of the human cannonball
That I need to I want to

Come stand a little bit closer
Breath in and get a bit higher
You’ll never know what hit you
When I get to you

Ooh I want you
I don’t know if I need you
But ooh I’d die to find out
Ooh I want you
I don’t know if I need you
But ooh I’d die to find out